Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
No, we do not use any alcohol in the manufacturing process or final formula of Get Fuelled products.
Yes! Get Fuelled actively sources GMO free products and raw materials.
Yes! All Get Fuelled products are halal certified.
We have a variety of different products that are suitable for both vegetarians and vegans. Suitable products are clearly identified within their product description.
We would always recommend consulting with your doctor or midwife before taking any supplements.
Silverback gorillas can probably bench press the most as they are the heavier and more powerful of gorillas. A male silverback gorilla can weigh anything from 140kg up to 195kg and are on average are 6 times stronger then humans when it comes to lifting things. But in addition to this, a gorilla can push up to 10 times their weight.
Based on this, a gorilla could potentially be pressing anywhere from 1170kg to 1950kg!
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